Case Studies


Streamlining Energy Procurement For A Growing Organisation

Number of Academies: 29
Location: Cambridgeshire, East Anglia, Bedfordshire, Peterborough, Lincolnshire.
Client since: 2016
Service: Energy Strategy, Energy Procurement, Energy Monitoring
Commission Scope: Energy Procurement and Energy Strategy Development

Meridian Trust has seen rapid and substantial growth in recent years by merging Trusts, on boarding sites and building new academies. This has posed many opportunities and risks to the Trust, with energy being one area of exposure. Ginger Energy has provided adaptive solutions throughout this journey to ensure the Trust is in the best position to maximise opportunities and minimise risks. A key point in the growth of this Trust was the merging of 2 MATS.

The Solution

The team developed procurement solutions around three key areas:

  • Integration of large scale onboarding to the Trust
  • Maximising the newer larger volume to deliver the best risk managed outcome
  • Contractually protecting the Trust from risks arising from multiple and disparate energy efficiency and generation projects The programme included a coordinated energy procurement strategy, moving from a fixed purchasing model to a purchase in advance flexible model, to achieve best value. This strategy took into the operational constraints of the Trust. By using existing knowledge and experience of previous MAT merges/large scale on boarding Ginger was able to identify opportunities and risks and take appropriate action. Due to the rapid growth of the Trust, one area of concern was the impact that multiple energy efficiency measures would have on the Trusts ability to accurately forecast consumption. This was managed by identifying and countering this risk in the early tendering stages.

Key Project Points

Ginger led the TEEAM and worked closely with the client to directly deliver the below:

  • Energy Procurement & Risk Strategy to navigate the changing environment within the Trust
  • Contract Management with Bill Validation
  • Providing advice and guidance to the client on achieving net zero carbon across its estates

Outcomes Achieved

Via the adaptive and collaborative approach taken to the procurement of energy the Trust has achieved a traded position c6% below market average for trades made in the trading window. This was achieved whilst still maintaining budgetary control and allowing contractual freedom for the Trust to achieve net zero and efficiency ambitions.

Ginger’s subsequent work with the other TEEAM Alliance partners has also highlighted additional cost saving measures and opportunities such as PPAs which will provide long term benefit to the Trust.

“We installed the Mindsett Prism to help find energy efficiency opportunities but it ended up preventing a school closure. By identifying plant that was close to failure we were able to replace a main pumps in a controlled way saving us money and avoiding huge operational disruption.”

– Site Manager, Corby Business Academy

Our Solutions

Our solutions empower transformation in asset and energy management, achieving levelling up agendas and facilitating the implementation of place-based decarbonisation programmes on a large scale, quickly and effectively.

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